Homeopathy & your new baby


When my first baby was born, my life changed in a deep and elemental way. It’s less the practical challenges like sleepless nights and never having even a minute of being alone again. All these things, in time, pass. It’s the feeling of being completely responsible for this tiny person, coupled with the need to protect her well-being with every ounce of my being.

I honestly don’t know what I would have done without homeopathy. Homeopathy is a wonderful medicine for babies and infants – as well as for new mums, because unlike so many conventional medicines, homeopathic remedies are not contraindicated during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Homeopathy helped me cope with the baby blues of having had a less than ideal birth. And homeopathy was there to help every single time my baby was fractious or sick – whether it was a fever, a blocked nose (no fun in a breastfeeding baby!), colic, sleeplessness, you name it.

Allopathic medicines (including the sadly ubiquitous Calpol) are largely unsuitable for the undeveloped immune systems of babies and infants. Whereas homeopathy is essentially energy medicine, so has no toxic side effects or negative impact on developing immune systems. Homeopathy is not only safe, it’s also effective and can work incredibly fast when needed. The right remedy can gently lower an infant’s high fever within minutes.   

But how do I as a new (or even not-so-new) mum begin? Invest in a home remedy kit (available from Ainworths or Helios pharmacies) and an introductory guide to homeopathy (Dana Ullman’s ‘Homeopathic Medicine for Children and Infants’ is a good one, which you can also buy second-hand, and there are a few more I can recommend). This will give you the right tools for tackling uncomplicated issues at home – as well as things that occur in the middle of the night when it’s hard to reach qualified help.

I also strongly recommend you find a homeopath you like and trust, because sooner or later you will need a trained homeopath for helping you with more complicated or long-standing issues, as well as complaints that aren’t responding to home treatment.

Now you’re good to go! And you might find you won’t be seeing your GP quite as often in future.  

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